Hongxiang Holding Group to carry out "South Bay in action.",Urban civilization I first" series of activities and party members volunteer service action
| | Release time: 2021-01-03 | 982 second browse

Create a civilized city,Focus on action,You're sticking to it。412th of the month,Hongxiang Holding Group to carry out "South Bay in action.",Urban civilization I first" series of activities and party members volunteer service action。The theme of the event is "Bend for a second to pick up civilization",Hongxiang Holding Group party members volunteer a total of more than 50 people will be divided into three groups,Go to Bigfoot Park separately、李善兰公园和工人路商业街开展志愿行动

李善兰公园里志愿者们纷纷弯腰动手捡起草丛里的果壳包装纸塑料袋烟蒂等“小朋友垃圾要放入垃圾桶呦不能乱丢”大脚板乐园里志愿者们捡拾垃圾的同时还不时地劝导前来游玩的小朋友要文明排队不要追赶打闹工人路商业街上志愿者们还开展道路文明劝导提倡绿色出行劝导各位行人“您退一小步文明一大步”。The next stage,将进一步发动集团广大职工与党员志愿者一起行动起来丰富文明载体掀起志愿服务热潮共同助力全国文明城市创建