In order to meet the "March 8" International Women's Day,Further enrich the amateur cultural life of female workers,Inspire female workers with a high sense of responsibility and mission to actively participate in the struggle for the "three strong competition.",Vibrant and harmonious" enterprise,Strengthen communication between women workers in the department,培养同事间团结友爱之情,2016年3月6日集团妇委会开展“精彩三月 共享春天”妇女节活动,Holding Group、建设集团以及下属公司中层以上女职工共计100余人参加本次活动,姐妹们在初春的时节赏梅、踏青、leisure,塘栖古镇领略千年的繁华与特有的江南气息!
Share March,Wonderful spring
Release time: 2021-01-03
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